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Poole College’s Fay Cobb Payton Receives 2020 National Science Foundation Director Award

Fay Cobb Payton, professor of information technology and analytics, has recently been awarded the 2020 National Science Foundation Director Award. Payton previously served as a reviewer for the National Science Foundation until she was chosen to be a program director for the Division of Computer and Network Systems in 2018.  

Payton is part of a National Science Foundation team who was recognized for its superior accomplishments in research and having a positive impact within the foundation. 

“This award comes from working with a great group of colleagues who examine STEM fields and talent inclusion in the US initiatives,” said Payton.

At the National Science Foundation, Payton’s role is research-focused as she is responsible for working with programs that deal with computers, information science and engineering along with other STEM areas.  

This post was originally published in Poole College of Management News.